How to Remove Candle Wax From Containers: Step-By-Step Guide

Hey you... Don’t throw away the candle you just bought just because the wax is all used up! You can still reuse the fancy jar or container it came in for other projects. We know that a lot of candle users struggle with the waxy mess at the bottom of the jar, so we wanted to make things easier for you.

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to remove candle wax from containers.

How to Remove Candle Wax From Containers

When should you stop using a candle?

The best time to stop burning a candle is when there is only a half-inch of wick left at the bottom. If you decide to light it up and let it burn longer, you risk damaging the container with burn or soot marks. Our advice is to quit while you’re ahead so that you can salvage the container and prevent further damage.

6 ways on how to remove candle wax from containers

1. Freezing

This is one of the simplest methods to take out leftover candle wax from containers. First, let the candle temperature drop to room temperature before placing it inside the freezer overnight. If you place the jar inside the freezer while it is still warm or hot, there is a chance that the glass jar may crack from the abrupt temperature change. 

After 24-hours, the wax should be fully solidified. Take a dull butter knife and scrape the wax out as a whole. You may also cut the wax up into manageable chunks so that you can pop them out. 

2. Boiling water

Boil some water in a pan or kettle. Place the candle jar on top of a towel or hot pad, and then gently pour the water inside the container. This will make the wax melt and float. Let the water cool for a few hours which will allow the wax to solidify. Pop the wax out and drain the water. You may repeat the process to get rid of the remaining wax at the bottom. 

3. Oven method

This method is convenient for cleaning out wax from a whole bunch of jars in one go. Just make sure to check if the containers are oven-safe. Preheat your oven to 200 degrees Fahrenheit. Remove the labels from the jars to be safe. You may do this by soaking the containers in warm water and then rubbing away the paper or plastic labels.

Take your baking sheet and line it with aluminum foil. Then, place a layer of parchment paper on top of the foil. Place the jars lid-down on the parchment paper-lined tray and place the tray inside the oven for fifteen minutes. Take the tray out and allow the wax from the jars to drip on the parchment paper. Replace the parchment paper once filled with wax. 

4. Stovetop

The stovetop method works best for softer candles such as those made of coconut and soy wax. Create a double-boiler set up by placing the candle jars inside a pot full of water. Put the pot over low heat and this should slowly liquefy the leftover wax inside the jars. Use a pair of tongs or oven mittens to take the jars out of the pot. Wipe the excess wax with paper towels.

5. Hairdryer or heat gun

A hairdryer or a heat gun allows you to gently liquefy the leftover wax by sending a targeted stream of heat towards the general direction of the wax. Simply adjust the heat setting to the appropriate temperature that will melt the candle wax. Avoid the candle jar labels or tags, if any, to prevent damage. Afterward, you should be able to pour out the molten wax. Scrape the rest of the wax with a butter knife or spoon. Wipe the excess with paper towels. Make sure to wear oven mittens to prevent accidentally burning yourself.

6. Microwave

The microwave method is similar to using an oven, except that the type of heat emitted by a microwave is harsher. As such, this won’t work with candles made of soy or coconut. This works best with paraffin wax. 

Fill the candle jars with water. Pop them in the microwave for at least 90 seconds. Keep a close eye on the jars, particularly the tags and wick, as these may combust and pose fire hazards. The microwave should cause the wax to melt and float on top of the water. Take out the jars (make sure to wear oven mittens!) and allow them to cool. After a few hours, you should be able to pop off the layer of wax that solidified on top. 

How to clean candle jars

The aforementioned methods should eliminate most of the candle wax from the containers, but there may be some leftover wax. You may remove all traces by using boiling water to further melt the remaining wax. After that, use some warm water, soap, and a sponge to gently scrub the remnants away. Dry with some paper towels and you are good to go!

Conclusion of How to Remove Candle Wax From Containers: Step-By-Step Guide

That was some of our best advice on how to remove candle wax from containers! Candle lovers no longer have to throw away the fancy candle jars and containers after their candles run out. These foolproof hacks will get rid of leftover wax so that the candle jars and containers may be reused for other crafts and projects. Knowing how to remove candle wax from containers is a handy skill for candle enthusiasts.